Ever thought about connecting the chemistry with our society? Well, guess what, you have arrived at the right page!
ACS UM International Student Chapter was established in 2019 and this chapter had reached more than 300 student members and is currently recognized as the largest student ACS University chapter in Malaysia.
As the leading chemistry society at UM, we strive for the best for our community and are inspired to achieve the following mission, vision and goals by 2025!
To establish the groundwork for students and academics at the Universiti Malaya who are ACS members to pursue interests in Chemistry together.
Carry out activities that are innovative, educational, and impactful to the community in line with the main ACS strategic plan.
- Provide a platform for dialogue between students, academics, and the community.
- Offer opportunities for professional advancement.
- Prepare future chemists to make unique contributions to society.
Past Events
- ACS Student Chapter talk by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lee Hooi Ling
- ACS on Campus Host with ACS Publications and ACS Malaysia Chapter
- Co-organizer International Year of Periodic Table (IYPT) with ACS Malaysia Chapter
- Co-organizer International Year of Periodic Table (IYPT) and ChemFest with UM Department of Chemistry, Universiti Malaya
- Recognized as Samarium by ACS for No.62 Student Chapter in the world.
- Co-organizer Career Fair in Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya
- Volunteers with Yayasan Science to Action for Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair (KLESF)
- Southeast Asia Global Innovation Challenges (SEAGIC) main organizer with ACS Malaysia Chapter and ACS Monash Student Chapter
- Recipient of travel grant to ACS Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
- 1st Virtual Chemist Celebrate Earth Week
- Bronze Student Chapter Award Recipient
- Introduction day
- Organizer Industrial Talk with IChemE Student Chapter Universiti Malaya
- Co-organizer SDG Talk with Society Petroleum Engineering (SPE) Universiti Malaya
- 1st ACS UM Annual General Meeting
- Organizer Chemfest with ACS Malaysia Chapter
- Co-organizer Science Computational and Engineering Symposium
- Virtual Exhibitor for Science Fair Universiti Malaya; Best Presenter
- Co-organizer Bilateral Meeting with the Department of Physics and Universitas Malang
- Presenter on the topic “POV as a user using ACS Publication in UM Library portal.”
- Organizer Chemists Celebrate Earth Week
- Bronze Student Chapter Award
- Organizer Career and Introduction Day
- ACS Leadership Summit APAC/Oceania Region
- The Curious Chemistry of Algae Earth Week Celebration
- Introduction Night
- ACS Student Chapter leadership exchange with ACS Student Chapter University of Dhaka
- 2nd Annual General Meeting
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Photo of the current chairman, Jia Yang, supervisor of ACS-UM, Dr. Woi Pei Meng, and chairman, Zhafran.
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