• Computational Chemistry Universiti Malaya
  • compchem@um.edu.my

Head of Computational Chemistry

Welcome to the computational chemistry group at Universiti Malaya. Computational chemistry group focuses on chemistry simulations or calculations at the molecular level to address global chemical problems such as energy and climate. Our group is located at Bangunan Makmal Kimia, Universiti Malaya surrounded by natural beauty such as forests and streams. Indeed, natural beauty is a wonderful platform to develop a healthy balance between academic and leisure life.

The computational chemistry group provides exciting educational opportunities for students from all backgrounds to enhance their chemical knowledge. We offer diverse computational-related research projects targeting undergraduates and postgraduates led by our principal investigator. Our research projects involve computational materials for energy storage, atmospheric chemistry in nucleation, and biological molecules. Undoubtedly, the academician in the computational chemistry group is excited to assist the students to develop the skills and experience needed to pursue their career goals.

In the computational chemistry group, we have offered students enormous resources to assist their chemical simulation in research projects with idea development and novelty. Computational chemistry provides creator space for students to hang out during their free time. Students can exchange their idea, conduct project discussions, and also research discussions with their principal investigator. Coffee is available in the creator space for free !!

If you are interested in computational chemistry and wish to conduct research in lab free environment, you have found it. Welcome !!

Last Update: 18/03/2023